Edoardo Vesentini (1978-1987)
A mathematician and politician, Vesentini had been deputy director under Gilberto Bernardini.
The first laboratories were set up under the directorship of Vesentini: the Linguistics laboratory, that of History, Archaeology and Topography of the Ancient World, and the Centre for Computer Research on the Cultural Heritage (CriBeCu), the first in Italy to make use of IT tools for the study of the Humanities.
To house the History of Art and Science section of the Library, part of the Palazzo del Capitano, an ancient building near the Palazzo della Carovana, was purchased.
Edoardo Vesentini established the university orientation courses of the Scuola Normale in Cortona, at the Palazzone, with lectures and seminars for students of Italian high schools.
He also inaugurated a cycle of public conferences, initially called I venerdì del direttore, at which the speakers are prominent personalities from the world of culture and science.