Enrico Betti (1865-1874, 1876-1892)

A mathematician, Betti was also an important politician, with the post of general secretary of public education. During the Betti directorship, the Scuola Normale became an important training centre for a host of young mathematicians, including the future director Ulisse Dini.
In 1871 he started the Annals of the Faculty of Sciences, published from 1873 also for the Faculty of Letters.
He established free board and lodging also for the Science sector: thus, both academic faculties now were able to experience the collegial nature of the Scuola Normale.
Enrico Betti established the role of the deputy director, a reference figure for the students and their didactic activity. The first deputy director was Filippo Rosati.
Finally, women too gained the right to admission to the Scuola Normale: the first admitted was Erminia Pittaluga in the academic year 1889-1890.
Among the students of the Betti directorship was the mathematician Vito Volterra.