
Tax Code, INPS, Insurance Coverage, Health Care

Relevant information for those staying in Italy for study purposes, to obtain tax code/national insurance number (codice fiscale), insurance and health coverage and registration with INPS
Immagine anteprima
Codice fiscale, INPS, copertura assicurativa e sanitaria

Tax Code

The Codice Fiscale (CF) is the Italian tax identification code used in all dealings with Public Administration and Local Authorities in Italy. It is a code of 16 alphanumeric characters uniquely devised from an individual’s name, date and place of birth.
It is issued by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). It is also needed for any financial transaction, for opening a bank account, for the registration at  the National Health Service and more (i.e. renting a flat, buying an Italian mobile phone card, ...).
Foreign nationals needing the codice fiscale for an upcoming stay in Italy, can apply for it abroad  through the pertainig Italian Consular Office, the one within which territory they reside. Hereafter some examples of info and instructions care of the the Embassies of New DelhiTeheranWashingtonLagos.
Once in Italy EU citizens can apply for a tax code at the local Agenzia delle Entrate showing their ID card. Extra-EU citizens are asked to show their passport with a valid visa (depending on the country of origin, the visa may not be necessary) and a residence permit or the receipt of sending the relevant application.


INPS Registration

PhD students with a scholarship need to complete their enrollment by registering themselves at the INPS (National Institute for Social Security).
Please note: PhD scholarships are not subject to income declaration or IRPEF taxation, but they are subject to a retirement contribution. The contributions are automatically withheld from the installments and paid directly to the INPS by the SNS.


Insurance Coverage

International students, SNS students, scholarship holders, and all people affiliated with the Scuola Normale Superiore are covered by an insurance policy. The insurance covers any injury that the insured may suffer, or any damage the insured may cause either to people or things, while participating in institutional activities organised by the SNS or under the mandate from the School.
For example, coverage might include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • injuries suffered during attendance, permanency or transfer within the different premises of the SNS and the University of Pisa;
  • participation in initiatives and events, excluding competitive sports;
  • accidents occurring in the same circumstances as above, even when occurred at premises comparable to, recognised by, and/or affiliated with the SNS, or through which an institutional activity of the SNS is realised.

Report of the accident needs to be sent to the SNS together with a medical certificate indicating the place, date, time and reasons of the accident. Subsequently the claimant shall send to the School medical reports on the progress of the injuries suffered, for periods not exceeding 60 days, until recovery from said injuries.


Health Care


EU Citizens
European citizens could own the European Health Insurance Card - EHIC (in Italian TEAM). This card (in Italy you may find it on the back of tessera sanitaria) entitles them to health care in Italy under the same conditions offered in their home country.
Health care in Italy is provided by the Local Public Health Unit, in Italian Azienda Sanitaria Locale - ASL (or Azienda USL in Tuscany).
To activate your health coverage
For stays of up to three months: go to the local Presidio ASL and show the T.E.A.M. card or any other document issued in your country of origin and stating your health coverage status in Italy.
For stays longer than three months:

  • Ask the local Municipal Ufficio Anagrafe for a certificate of registration in the list of temporary residents. In order to get such certificate you must show your T.E.A.M. card or proof of medical coverage in Italy, and a document stating your means of financial support (for SNS students, this document is issued by the Servizio Allievi);
  • Show the certificate of registration and your T.E.A.M. card at the local Presidio ASL.

European students not in possess of the European Health Insurance Card (TEAM), before departure, should ask the relevant office in their home country for a certificate serving as substitute of the  T.E.A.M. card, that will entitle them to the same benefits granted to Italian citizens.
European students who, for different reasons, are not covered by health care in their home country, or did not ask for the transfer of their coverage to the Italian Health System, may be registered at the Italian S.S.N. (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale).
To this aim, you must:

  • Ask your country's National Health System for a declaration stating that you are not covered in your home country;
  • Ask the Ufficio Anagrafe in your Italian municipality for a certificate of registration;
  • Ask to be registered at your local Presidio Distrettuale ASL, showing receipt of payment of the yearly contribution.

Extra-EU Citizens
Non-EU students in need of an insurance policy valid in Italy
 may consider the following alternatives to a private insurance policy:

  • The Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale SSN) offers the possibility of securing coverage for each calendar year. The annual premium is particularly convenient for students who intend to stay in Italy at least one year. Payment of the registration fee at the  S.S.N. (€ 149.77) should be made on postal account n. 289504 using a postal form (bollettino postale) addressed to "Regione Toscana - Contributo Servizio Sanitario Nazionale", specifying as reason for the payment "Iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - Studente straniero – Anno ________".
  • The Welcome Association Italy (WAI) offers to extra EU nationals sojourning for study purposes an insurance combo policy, valid for 6 months (€ 74.00) or 12 months (€ 125.00), that covers the cost for urgent health services and hospitalization in case of accidents or unexpected diseases and, if necessary, repatriation (more info in the insurance policy). To receive this coverage it is necessary to associate online and pay the chosen period fee following the instruction received by mail: the cover starts at 24 of the payment day. This option, available for rather short periods (semesters), is useful in case of short-term stays in Italy or to get a provisional insurance coverage until registration at the National Health Service (whose annual validity starts from 1st January).

Please note that international students staying for a maximum of 90 days may be covered by the insurance policy only if they own a valid entry visa. For longer periods, they will be covered only after getting their residence permit or by showing the receipt of the residence permit’s application.



Scuola Normale Superiore
Alberto Antinori
+39 050509072
Emanuela Brustolon
+39 050509043

Agenzia delle Entrate
Agenzia delle Entrate - Direzione Provinciale Pisa
Ufficio Territoriale Pisa - Gall. G.B. Gerace 7/15
+39 050 315471

AUSL Toscana Nord Ovest
AUSL Toscana NordOvest Pisa  (sede più vicina alla SNS)
Via Garibaldi 198 (Lun-Sab 8:00-12:00, Lun e Mer 14:30-17:00)
+39 050 959831


Scuola Normale Superiore

Agenzia delle Entrate
Agenzia delle Entrate - Direzione provinciale Firenze 
Ufficio Territoriale Firenze - Via S. Caterina D'Alessandria 23
+39 055 4787111

AUSL Toscana Centro
AUSL Toscana Centro Firenze (sede più vicina alla SNS)
Lungarno di Santa Rosa 13 (Lun-Ven 9:00-12:00)
+39 055 69351