Quarries, Workshops, Uses, and Meanings

A conference co-sponsored by the Scuola Normale Superiore – Pisa, Opificio delle Pietre Dure - Florence, and the J. Paul Getty Museum – Los Angeles

TUESDAY 28 NOVEMBER Sala Stemmi - Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

15:30 Welcome address

SESSION 1. From Quarry to Object

Chair GIANFRANCO ADORNATO, Scuola Normale Superiore

   SIMON CONNOR, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York    Power and appearance: stones, statues and hierarchy in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom

   BEN RUSSELL, University of Edinburgh   Moving the Mountains: the quarrying and transport of Egyptian stones

17:00 Coffee break


   MATTHIAS BRUNO, Rome   L’impero del colore. Cave e marmi del Mediterraneo Romano

   LORENZO LAZZARINI, IUAV University, Venice   Diaspri siciliani: caratterizzazione e uso da età romana al Barocco


WEDNESDAY 29 NOVEMBER Sala Stemmi - Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

SESSION 2. Costs, Value, Workshops, and Agency

Chair MICHAEL VICKERS (Jesus College, Oxford)


   EVA FALASCHI, Scuola Normale Superiore  The hermoglyphos Pauson and the enigma of a stone

   ANNA SEROTTA, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York  Decoding ancient sculpture through new technology and collaborative craft

   CHAVDAR CHUSHEV, Los Angeles  The stone-carver’s toolkit: ancient and modern

11:00 Coffee break


   WILL WOOTTON, King’s College, London  Between a rock and a hard place: making with hard stones in two- and three-dimensions

   ELEONORA FERRAZZA, Musei Vaticani, Rome  Un frammento disgiunto dal sarcofago di S. Elena in porfido rosso. Osservazioni sulla lavorazione antica e sui restauri moderni

13:00 Lunch

SESSION 3. Egypt and the Mediterranean

Chair CHRISTIAN GRECO, Museo Egizio, Turin


   ELENA GHISELLINI, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome  Pietre colorate nell’Egitto tolemaico fra tradizione e innovazione

   ELENA CALANDRA, Istituto Centrale per l’Archeologia, Rome  Rappresentazioni di animali esotici alla corte dei Tolomei

   EMMA LIBONATI, University College, London  The Canopus conundrum: the making and destruction of statues in Abouqir Bay

16:30 Coffee break


   ROBERT BIANCHI, Fondation Gandur pour l’Art, Geneva  Sculpture in native Egyptian stones in Roman contexts

   GIANFRANCO ADORNATO & GIORGIA CAFICI, Scuola Normale Superiore  From marble to granite: looking at the statue of Hor, son of Tutu


THURSDAY 30 NOVEMBER Sala Stemmi - Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

SESSION 4. The Meanings of Color: Contexts, Display, and Ideology

Chair MARIA ELISA MICHELI, Università degli Studi, Urbino


   ALESSANDRO POGGIO, Scuola Normale Superiore  The knowledge of Nature: colored stone in fourth-century architecture

   INGRID LAUBE, Berlin  Deceptive appearances: evidence for the coloring of colored stones and its significance for the function of images

   JENS DAEHNER, J.Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles  Surrogate metals? Colored stones and the aesthetics of ancient bronze

11:00 Coffee break


   KENNETH LAPATIN, J.Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles  Between Egypt and Greece: the Serapis of Bryaxis

   MONT ALLEN, University of Illinois, Carbondale  Pressing the purple: vintage, vats, and the Christianization of imperial porphyry sarcophagi

13:00 Lunch

SESSION 5. Pietre Dure in Roman Contexts

Chair ROLF SCHNEIDER, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich


   FABRIZIO SLAVAZZI, Università degli Studi, Milan  Sculture e arredi in marmi colorati nelle residenze imperiali: uso, significato e gusto

   ELISABETTA GAGETTI, Università degli Studi, Milan  Colored hard-stones in the villa. “Precious sculptures” from residential contexts

   EMILY COOK, Columbia University, New York  Egyptian(izing) materialities at Hadrian’s Villa: reflections on the Roman reception of Egyptian media practices

16:30 Coffee break


   JULIA LENAGHAN, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford  The Sculptors and School of Aphrodisias: a review

   MARIA ELISA MICHELI, Università degli Studi, Urbino  Labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas (Stat. sil., I 3 48-49)


FRIDAY 1 DECEMBER Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence

SESSION 6. Colored Stones after Antiquity

Chair MARCO CIATTI, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence


   ANNA PATERA, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence  L’arte del commesso in pietre dure: dalla Manifattura granducale all’attività di restauro

   SANDRA ROSSI, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence  Arte e natura nelle opere del Museo dell’Opificio delle pietre dure


Visits to the museum and to the laboratories of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure (sections: mosaics and commesso)

13:30 Lunch


   FRANCESCA TOSO, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence  L’antica lavorazione a intarsio e glittica: materiali, tecniche ed esempi di restauro

   RICCARDO GENNAIOLI, Florence  Sculture e oggetti in pietre policrome nelle collezioni medicee: copie, reimpieghi e invenzioni all’antica

   SASCHA KANSTEINER, Humboldt Universität, Berlin  Policleto, Winckelmann e la grovacca. Riflessioni sulle copie in pietra dura durante l’età imperiale e in epoca moderna

Due to the limited seating capacity, early registration is strongly recommended to ensure participation to Session 6 and to the guided visits of the OPD museum and laboratories