Rosario Lancellotti
Allievo del Corso di Perfezionamento/PhD
Italian studies and modern philology
Rosario Lancellotti graduated from the University of Pisa with a Bachelor’s degree in Classics (2019) and a Master’s degree in Italian Studies (2021), with a thesis on Torquato Tasso (supervisor M.C. Cabani). He was a full student in the Class of Letters and Philosophy at the Scuola Normale Superiore (2016-2021), where he has been a postgraduate student (XXXVII cycle) in Italianistics and Modern Philology (supervisor A. Torre) since 2021.
His main research field is the Italian Renaissance, with a particular interest in the reception of Latin classics in the sixteenth century and in author libraries. Specifically, he focuses on the epic poems of Tasso, both the Liberata and the Conquistata, studying their ancient sources and their complex drafting process. He is also interested in Tasso’s lyric production, in his annotated books and in the early fortune of the Liberata, linked to the controversy with the Accademia della Crusca.