The Scuola Normale for Peace
Initiatives at the Scuola Normale
Motion for a ceasefire and for peace in Palestine and Israel - 28 November 2023
The aforementioned motion was approved in the session of the Governing Council of the Scuola Normale Superiore on Tuesday 28 November 2023.
Let's transform the future - PerugiAssisi Peace and Fraternity March - 21 May 2023
The Scuola Normale Superiore, a member of RUniPace supports the PerugiAssisi Peace and Fraternity March of 21 May2023.
Public announcement
Public announcement regarding participation of the Network of Italian Universities for Peace (RUniPace) at the peace rally in Rome - 4 November 2022
The Scuola Normale Superiore, a member of RUniPace, supports the peace rally in Rome on November 5, 2022.
Statement on the situation of students and scholars in Iran - 12 October 2022
The Scuola Normale Superiore, a member of Scholars at Risk Italy, accedes to the declaration on human rights violations against the academic community in Iran
Human rights violation. Solidarity with Iranian women - 27 September 2022
The Network of Italian Universities for Peace expresses solidarity towards female Iranian students enrolled at Italian universities and more generally to all Iranian women and to the many young Iranian men who are bravely protesting these days.
"The death of Mahsa Amini in Teheran, and of five other women who took to the streets to protest, deeply shakes our conscience - state Enza Pellecchia and Marco Mascia, Coordinators of the Network - we cannot remain indifferent to the violation of fundamental human rights "
The new authoritarianisms and the war in Ukraine - 21 April 2022
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Lecture by Michael Zürn | Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Visiting Scholar, Scuola Normale Superiore
Public announcement regarding participation of the Network of Italian Universities for Peace (RUniPace) at the special edition of the PerugiAssisi March - 15 April 2022
The Scuola Normale Superiore, a member of RUniPace, together with the CRUI supports the special edition of the PerugiAssisi Peace and Fraternity March on April 24, 2022
Pace e nonviolenza di fronte alla guerra in Ucraina - 14 April 2022
Presentation – supported by RUniPace – of the ebook I pacifisti e l’Ucraina
Putin's war in Ukraine and lessons of the soviet collapse - 13 April 2022
Lecture by Vladislav Zubok | London School of Economics
Maidan: notes on social movements, democratization and wars
Video by Donatella della Porta | Scuola Normale Superiore
Social mobilisation in Ukraine - 19 March 2022
An article by Donatella Della Porta | Scuola Normale Superiore, from «Sbilanciamoci»
The war in Ukraine: its causes and consequences - 17 March 2022
Online lesson by Manuela Moschella and Silvio Pons for La Normale a scuola
Ukraine: war, politic, conflict resolution - 7 March 2022
Video by Mario Pianta | Scuola Normale Superiore
Joint Statement of FOREU in support of Ukraine - 3 March 2022
Putin's war in Ukraine: historical and political considerations - 1 March 2022
Video by Silvio Pons | Scuola Normale Superiore
The other side of the conflict: economic sanctions - 28 February 2022
Video by Manuela Moschella | Scuola Normale Superiore
Joint statement by Luigi Ambrosio and Sabina Nuti against the military aggression in Ukraine - 25 February 2022
The Scuola Normale Superiore and the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna condemn the military aggression of Russia in Ukraine