Scientific Programming I: Data Processing and Software Prototyping
The course can be followed independently of "Scientific Programming II" and does not require any previous knowledge in programming
The course will address the following aspects:
- Introduction to computer architectures and programming languages
- Basic concepts of the language
- Object-oriented programming in Python
- The library system of Python: internal and external modules
- Python in science: introduction to some libraries and their use
Key concepts of the language will be illustrated through the progressive development of a fully functional program during the course.
The course is composed of a didactic part of 32 hours (2 lessons of 2 hours each per week) and a practical part of 126 hours (4 sessions of 4 hours).
Obiettivi formativi
The course aims at providing a working knowledge in the use of Python to automatize tasks, process data, and build prototypical implementations.
Practical sessions in laboratory represent an important aspect of the course where the fundamental concepts studied during the course will be put in practice