Image for Francesco Grotto

Francesco Grotto

Allievo del Corso di Perfezionamento/PhD



Francesco Grotto graduated in Philology and History of Antiquity at the University of Pisa (BA 2019, MA 2021); at the same time, he attended the ‘Corso ordinario’ (BA+MA) in the Class of Humanities at the Scuola Normale Superiore (2016-2021), where he has been a PhD student in Classics since 2021. His supervisors are Gianpiero Rosati and Alessandro Schiesaro.

His research project aims to investigate the self-allusive dynamics in Virgil’s œuvre, with special focus on continuity, rewriting and development between the Eclogues, the Georgics and the Aeneid.

Besides Virgil, he has worked on Lucretius, Horace, Ovid, Phaedrus and Statius. He has collaborated with a research group experimenting with computational linguistics techniques on Leonardo Fibonacci’s Liber Abbaci. He is now preparing a critical edition of the De Scaligerorum origine, an epic poem written by the pre-humanist Ferreto Ferreti (Vicenza, c. 1295-1337).