Image for Nerea Montejo LÓpez

Nerea Montejo López

Allievo del Corso di Perfezionamento/PhD

Political Science and Sociology


Nerea Montejo is a PhD student in Political Science and Sociology at Scuola Normale Superiore. Nerea has a bachelor’s in law from the Public University of the Basque Country
(Spain) and a Master’s degree in Governance and Human Rights from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). She also has a Master’s degree in Analysis of Social Problems from the University of Distance Education (Spain).

She has focused her studies on social exclusion, the study of the capitalist system and the study of collective action. She is member of COSMOS (The Centre on Social Movement Studies, Scuola Normale Superiore) and MOVICON (Movilización, Contienda Política y Cambio Social, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Her PhD project “From the democratic discontent of 15-M to the current socialist defensive. A comparative analysis of both Spanish contentious cycles” pursues a twofold objective: to contribute to the return of a critical analysis of capitalism in Social Movement Studies; and study the rupture between the 15-M cycle of institutionalised social movements and the new socialist defensive emerging from new organisations in Spain. More specifically, it aims to answer the question of whether we can speak of a rupture between the two cycles of protest, to investigate the differences and legacies that the new socialist defensive cycle has from the old institutionalised path of 15-M and  whether this new socialist movement has the agency and the possibility of being a spearhead in the political recomposition of working class.