Calls for scholarships and enrollment fees for schools
Società Italiana delle Storiche: scuola estiva/summer school 2024
The CUG (Joint Committee for Equal Opportunity) of the SNS has decided to support the summer school “Storie d'amore. Legami dentro e oltre il patriarcato” , organized by the Società Italiana delle Storiche (the Italian Society of Female Historians) which will be held in Florence from 28 August to 1 September 2024.
This year the Committee will fund 2 residential registration fees (395,00 euros each) for 2 undergraduate/PhD students of the SNS with curricula that are consistent with the contents of the summer school.
More information on the summer school programme is available at the following link.
The internal notice and the application form are available in the Download section of this page.
Deadline for submitting applications: 26 July 2024.
“Paola Bora” Prize for degree and PhD theses in gender studies - 2024 Fourth Edition
With the support of the sisters and daughters of Paola Bora and of the Comitati Unici di Garanzia per le Pari Opportunità (Cug) (Joint committees for equal opportunity) of the Scuola Normale Superiore, the University of Pisa and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and with the sponsorship of the Società Italiana delle Storiche (the Italian Society of Female Historians), the Società Italiana delle Letterate (the Italian Society of Women of Letters), the Società Italiana per le donne in filosofia (the Italian Society of Women in Philosophy), the Province of Pisa and the Tuscany Region, the Associazione Casa della donna (The House for Women association) of Pisa announces the fourth edition of the “Paola Bora” Prize, to be awarded for degree and PhD theses dedicated to themes related to gender studies.
The Prize is in memory of Paola Bora, president of the Casa della donna from April 2011 until her death on 24 January 2015. Paola Bora, in addition to being a feminist activist, was a lecturer of philosophical anthropology at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and of anthropology of gender at the University of Pisa. In life and work she was capable of combining theoretical thought and political practice, always on the lookout for what was new.
The prize assigns 6 thousand euros to Ph.D theses and 3 thousand euros to master's, specialist or four-year degrees in Philosophy, History, Anthropology or Literature.
Only unpublished degree and Ph.D theses are admitted, discussed at Italian universities within three years before the deadline of the call and dedicated to gender themes in the philosophical, historical, anthropological or literary disciplines, relating to periods from Antiquity to the Contemporary age.
The deadline for the call is 30th April 2024.
For further information:
- tel. 050550627
The full call is available online HERE.
Società Italiana delle Storiche (the Italian Society of female Historians): summer school 2023
The CUG of the SNS has decided to support the summer school "Naming hard work. Bodies, work and care", organized by the Società Italiana delle Storiche from 30 August to 3 September 2023 (in Florence).
This year the Committee will fund 2 residential registration fees (365.00 euros each) for 2 undergraduate/PhD students of the SNS with curricula that are
consistent with the contents of the summer school.
More information on the summer school programme is available at the following link.
The internal notice and the application facsimile are available in the Download section of this page.
Deadline for submitting applications: 17 July 2023.
“Paola Bora” Prize 2022
With the support of the sisters and daughters of Paola Bora and of the Comitati Unici di Garanzia per le Pari Opportunità (Cug) (Joint committees for equal opportunity) of the Scuola Normale Superiore, the University of Pisa and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and under the patronage of the Società Italiana delle Storiche (the Italian Society of Female Historians), the Società Italiana delle Letterate (the Italian Society of Women of Letters), the Province of Pisa and the Tuscany Region, the Associazione Casa della donna of Pisa announces the third edition of the “Paola Bora” Prize, to be awarded for degree and PhD theses dedicated to themes related to gender studies.
The Prize is in memory of Paola Bora, president of the Casa della donna from April 2011 until her death on 24 January 2015. Paola Bora, in addition to being a feminist activist, was a lecturer of philosophical anthropology at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and of gender anthropology at the University of Pisa. In life and work she was capable of combining theoretical thought and practical policy, always on the lookout for what was new.
The prize assigns 6 thousand euros to Ph.D theses and 3 thousand euros to master's or four-year degrees in Philosophy, History, Anthropology or Literature.
Only unpublished degree and Ph.D theses are admitted, discussed at Italian universities not later than three years before the deadline of the call and dedicated to gender themes in the philosophical, historical, anthropological or literary disciplines, relating to periods between Antiquity and the Contemporary age.
The text of the call is available at this link.
For further information:
- 050550627
Società Italiana delle Storiche: summer school 2022
The Comitato Unico di Garanzia (the joint committee for equal opportunity) of the Scuola Normale has agreed to support the summer school Genere e capitalismo. Storia e prospettive teoriche (Gender and capitalism. History and theoretical perspectives), organised by the Società Italiana delle Storiche (the Italian Society of Female Historians), to take place from 24 to 28 August 2022. The Committee will fund two 2 enrolments (400 euros each) for the same number of undergraduate or Ph.D/doctorate students of the Scuola Normale with curricula consistent with the programme of the summer school.
Further information regarding the programme of the summer school - which this year will take place online - is available at the following link this link
For further information:
- 050550627
Società Italiana delle Storiche: summer school 2021
The Comitato Unico di Garanzia (the joint committee for equal opportunity) of the Scuola Normale has agreed to support the summer school Ambienti.Storie, conflitti, movimenti in una prospettiva di genere (Environments. Histories, conflicts and movements in a gender perspective), organised by the Società Italiana delle Storiche (the Italian Society of Female Historians), to take place from 25 to 28 August 2021. The Committee will fund two 4 enrolments (100 euros each) for the same number of undergraduate or Ph.D/doctorate students of the Scuola Normale with curricula consistent with the programme of the summer school.
Further information regarding the programme of the summer school - which this year will take place online - is available at the following link.
The internal notice and the facsimile of the application are attached to this communication.
Deadline for submission of applications: 26 July 2021.