Image for Andrea Torre

Andrea Torre

Associate Professor

Letteratura italiana (SSD: ITAL-01/A)

050 509154
Monday 6-8pm, Tuesday 4-6pm. To make appointments at other times please contact the teacher via email

Palazzo della Crovana, piano quarto, stanza 99

Andrea Torre is associate professor of Italian literature at the Academic Class of Letters and Philosophy of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, where he teaches Italian Renaissance literature. Having graduated in Parma, he obtained the PhD in philological and modern linguistic disciplines at the Scuola Normale Superiore. He also taught at the universities of Potenza and Parma, and at the Iuss in Pavia. Editor and commentator of sixteenth-seventeenth century poetic and philosophical texts, he conducts research: on Petrarch and Petrarch's reception; on Renaissance poetry; on the fortune of classical mythology in the modern age; and more generally on the relationships between literature and visual arts. He composed essays on Ariosto, Dante, Dolce, Flaiano, Marino, Torelli, Tasso and Tesauro. Among his books are: Petrarcheschi segni di memoria. Spie postille metafore (Pisa, 2007), Variazioni su Adone I. Favole lettere idilli (1532-1623) (Lucca, 2009), Vedere versi. Un manoscritto di emblemi petrarcheschi (Napoli, 2012) Scritture ferite. Innesti, doppiaggi e correzioni nella letteratura rinascimentale (Venezia, 2019), Letteratura e arti visive nel Rinascimento (Roma, 2019, with Gianluca Genovese), The Wounded Body. Memory, Language and the Self from Petrarch to Shakespeare (New York, 2022, with Fabrizio Bondi and Massimo Stella), and Prospettive sulle Rime di Torquato Tasso (Ancona, 2023). He is currently coordinating a new commentary project on Petrarch’s Triumphi.