Characteristics of the contents

In addition to conforming with the institutional mission of the Scuola Normale Superiore, the contents published on the institutional web site and on the web sites of the structures must fulfil the following requisites:

  • they must be useful and pertinent to the institutional purposes and/or those of the structure of reference;
  • they must provide users with correct, adequate and exhaustive information respecting the transparency and simplification criteria of the relationship between users and Institution as specified by the law;
  • they must be readily available and usable, correct and complete;
  • they must be constantly updated;
  • they must be accessible, usable and easy to consult;
  • they must avoid the duplication of contents between the institutional web site and the web sites of the structures, posting the contents on only one page of reference;
  • they must comply with the correct rules for the processing of personal data and the safeguarding of privacy;
  • they must provide the user with the institutional guarantee of the source;
  • they must utilise a clear and inclusive language (also visual);
  • they must respect the principles defined in the SNS's Ethical Code.

The new portal is entirely bilingual, Italian/English, with the exception of data imported from management systems written exclusively in Italian, and attachments in Italian which have not been translated.
In future all the institutional web sites and those of the structures will have to have a  parallel version in English.

The pages of the institutional web sites and those of the structure web sites cannot contain material covered by copyright (including images, texts and software), unless with explicit approval and reported by the copyright holder.