Publication of contents on the social media channels
On the basis of the Editorial Plan, each week the Social Network Editorial Office sets out a plan of the contents to be published on the various channels. Its task is to identify the key topics and the form in which to present them, inviting the various structures of the Scuola Normale Superiore to propose contents to be inserted in the Editorial Plan and whose managers are periodically invited to participate in the meetings of the Social Network Editorial Office to contribute to the setting out of specific communication strategies.
Proposals for publication on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn should be sent to by the structure managers or their representatives. Researchers, lecturers and students send their proposals autonomously. Requests for publication of video recordings (including those carried out by external services) of meetings and events of the Scuola Normale Superiore on the various SNS YouTube channels (institutional, Humanities, Sciences, Political and Social Sciences) must be addressed to The Social Network Editorial Office will also evaluate whether to promote video contents, duly post-produced, also on other social network channels.
Requests for the publication of contents, including videos, must provide the following:
- detailed and precise information;
- a brief abstract illustrating efficaciously the content proposed, enabling the Social Network Editorial Office to edit the text of the posts;
- some key words useful for the metadata.
An accompanying visual may be proposed. Apart from urgencies, proposals must be sent at least a week ahead of the date of the intended publication, to allow for their proper insertion in the Editorial Plan. For events or initiatives of particular importance, it is advisable to contact the Social Network Editorial Office well in advance, to allow for the planning of an adequate campaign distributed over time.