Relationships with the media

Relationships with the media

The relationships of the Scuola Normale Superiore with the media are the task of the Communications Office, whose Press Officer offers support to the community of the Scuola Normale Superiore and collaborates with journalists to expand the information about the Scuola Normale Superiore, incentivise its presence in the media and monitor its reputation.

The Press Officer has the following tasks:

  • the editing and dissemination of news to the media by publishing articles – in interaction with the web site  and the social network channels – on the  SNS web magazine, the sending out of press releases, notification of the events calendar for the media, and the organisation of the press conferences, in agreement with and under the guidance of the Director's Office;
  • support for the requests of the media (interviews, data, information, contacts);
  • contribution to the web site updating activities;
  • the production of a three-monthly report of the articles published in the press and on the web sites, and the television and radio programmes about the Scuola Normale Superiore.

Anyone reporting activities, events or initiatives to be communicated to the media must provide the Press Officer in plenty of time with the information necessary for a complete and correct dissemination of the news, including multimedial contents if they are available.

In support of the requests of the media (interviews, data, information, contacts), the Press Officer carries out the following activities:

  • the creation and updating of a list of contacts for researchers and lecturers, subdivided by disciplines/competences/research themes, for comments or detailed explanations requested by the media;
  • the creation and updating of a list of press contacts associated with specific research fields/themes;
  • collaboration with the media in the creation of projects and programmes that enhance the teaching, research and Third Mission activities;
  • the dissemination of images belonging to the Scuola Normale Superiore in support of initiatives or on request. Personal photos of lecturers that are not yet in the photo archive of the Communications Office are requested from the lecturers, together with their permission to use them;
  • the dissemination of data regarding the Scuola Normale Superiore, produced officially or originating from official sources.
  • Periodical invitations to the press, to present specific initiatives of the Scuola Normale Superiore and to create stable relationships with journalists.

The Communications Office is also responsible for creating videos for the promotion of the Scuola Normale Superiore and photo campaigns on the places, activities, researchers and students of the Scuola Normale Superiore, available to journalists.