The drafting of the contents

The main contents relating to teaching, research and records can be consulted thanks to the integration of the institutional web sites with the main official SNS data banks, allowing for automatic, simultaneous and distributed updating of data. The insertion of further contents is managed editorially by the Central Web Editorial Office and the Distributed Web Editorial Office.

Central Web Editorial Office

The Central Web Editorial Office guides, supports and co-ordinates the Distributed Web Editorial Office, guaranteeing usability and quality of the information produced and published and the coherence of the communication, in accordance with the guide lines and the objectives indicated in the strategic planning.

The Central Web Editorial Office:

  • ensures compliance with the guide lines;
  • maintains the correct organisation of the informative contents of the web site;
  • guarantees respect for the principles of usability and accessibility;
  • undertakes the co-ordination between the institutional web sites of the Scuola Normale Superiore and those of the structures, so as to guarantee coherence and unambiguity of the information and communication in the SNS web system;
  • sustains the necessary link between the development of the institutional web sites and the creation of other communication tools and digital services;
  • supports the Publication Procedure Managers of the Distributed Web Editorial Office in the optimal use of management tools and for the compliance with homogeneous rules of style for writing on the web and the use of images;
  • responds to users' needs for information, guaranteeing the coherence of the information that it provides;
  • guarantees the quality of the contents, and the clarity, accuracy and inclusiveness of the verbal and visual language;
  • promotes continuous improvement in the organisation of the contents, including through internal training activities.

It consists of:

  • the Director (who is its president);
  • the Communications Office Manager (who co-ordinates it);
  • the Deputy Director;
  • the Pro-rector for Technology Transfer
  • the Press manager, who is the manager of the Publication Procedure for news and communications on the NormaleNews web site;
  • the ICT Projects and Services Area manager;
  • the Manager of the IT Security Office;
  • the Data Protection Officer (DPO);
  • the translator of the institutional texts from and to English.

The Central Web Editorial Office can invite to the meetings further participants from among the academic or technical-administrative personnel (PTA) so that they can contribute to the discussion of specific themes and issues.

Distributed Web Editorial Office

The Distributed Web Editorial Office consists of Publication Procedure Managers who are identified (see "Roles and Responsibilities") from within the Areas/Services/Offices/Centres/Laboratories, to enter the contents of the institutional and structure web sites concerning their competence.
The Publication Procedure Managers of the Distributed Web Editorial Office are authorised to intervene solely for certain sections or pages of the web site:

  • they enter updates of the contents of the section assigned to them by the Central Web Editorial Office;
  • they co-ordinate constantly with the Central Web Editorial Office regarding substantial updates and modifications to the structure of the web site contents;
  • they assist the personnel of their structure in the use of the web site.

As does the Central Web Editorial Office, the Distributed Web Editorial Office responds to users' needs for information, guaranteeing the integrity of the information that it provides, as well as their constant updating, completeness, promptness, simplicity of consultation, comprehensibility, homogeneity and ease of accessibility.

The Central Web Editorial Office may modify or reject the presentation of any contents, verbal or visual, that it considers unsuitable for the  institutional purposes of the Scuola Normale Superiore, containing information not sufficiently clear or simple, or not appropriate to the image of the SNS.