Publication of the contents on the web sites

The  Publication Procedure Managers of the Distributed Web Editorial Office have the task of collecting the contents of the structure to which they belong (together with any context information that may be needed to carry out the intervention in the best way possible) for the updating of already existing web pages, of processing them and inserting them in their assigned sections.
The structure that produces the information to be published is called upon to collaborate in the subsequent monitoring of the updating.
If the materials and the information are completely new, that is, not linked to pages or sections of the already exiting web site, the best communicative solution must be worked out together with the Central Web Editorial Office.

All the pages of the institutional web sites must be written in conformity with the visual identity of the Scuola Normale Superiore utilising styles and templates provided, guaranteeing an image that is co-ordinated and graphically and editorially homogeneous and a coherent User Experience, so that users will recognise the source of the information contained, and will be able to browse easily within the web sites and  recognise the institutional authenticity of the content.
The  Publication Procedure Managers, in the management of web sites of the structure or  sections assigned to them, are directly responsible for any violations of the principles established in the guidelines herein by which the web site system of the Scuola Normale Superiore is planned and managed.

All contents must be pertinent to the official activities and functions of the Scuola Normale Superiore. Contents not directly relevant are not publishable; however, should they be published, they can be removed at any moment by the Central Web Editorial Office.

The following are not publishable on the web site of the Scuola Normale Superiore:

  • defamatory, offensive or discriminatory contents or those that take up, directly or indirectly, biased positions with reference to themes of a sexual, religious, political or ethnic nature;
  • contents of a commercial nature, even those highlighted by means of links published on the pages of the SNS web site;
  • contents that highlight information of a private nature not directly connected to the institutional activity of the SNS;
  • and in any case any contents that do not conform to the Ethical Code of the SNS.