The Governing Council
The Governing Council develops, coordinates and harmonizes the Scuola's guidelines and lines of development in the field of teaching and research. It acts as a link between the academic, teaching, research and support structures of the Normale and as a consultant to the Director and to the Federated Executive Council. Its mandate lasts two academic years and it consists of:
- the Director, who is its chairman;
- the Deputy Director;
- the Deans of the Faculties;
- six representatives of the full and associated professors, in order that each disciplinary area is represented;
- a representative of the researchers;
- a representative of temporary research assistants;
- two representatives of the undergraduate students;
- two representative of the PhD/doctorate students;
- a representative of the technical and administrative personnel.
Luigi Ambrosio
Alessandro Schiesaro
Deputy Director
Stefano Carrai
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Andrea Ferrara
Dean of the Faculty of Sciences
Guglielmo Giuseppe Maria Meardi
Dean of the Faculty of Political-Social Sciences
Giulia Ammannati
Representative of the professors
Luigi Battezzato
Representative of the professors
Giuseppe La Rocca
Representative of the professors
Stefania Pastore
Representative of the professors
Nicola Tasinato
Representative of the professors
Andrea Guerrini
Rappresentante dei ricercatori/ricercatrici
Manuel Naviglio
Rappresentante degli assegnisti di ricerca
Giulia Russo
Representative of the PhD/doctorate students
Giulietta Guerini
Representative of the PhD/doctorate students
Enrico Sorrentino
Representative of the undergraduate students
Antonio Lombardi
Representative of the undergraduate students
Chiara Taccola
Rappresentante del PTA