Third mission commission
Members of the TM Commission
Giulia AmmannatiPresident
At the start of 2020, the Academic Senate of the SNS set up a special commission for the monitoring and supervision of the third mission activities, with particular attention to the initiatives of Public Engagement and the dissemination of research.
The Third Mission Commission answers to the Director and supports him in planning; it is chaired by the Prorector of the Third Mission and orientation and consists of six lecturers representing the three Faculties, the co-ordinator of the Student Work Group for the Third Mission and the co-ordinator of the Student Forum (since October 2020), the head of the Cultural Events and Internalisation Area, the head of the Cultural Events Service of the Polo fiorentino (the Florence centre) and the head of the Communications Office, on the staff of the Director's office (since March 2021).
The Commission constitutes a fundamental link between the components of the SNS and the decisional structure that approves and organises the Third Mission initiatives. The short-term objective is to make the initiatives of Public Engagement and of the dissemination of research more systematic by broadening and systematising the involvement of the community of the SNS. The Commission's medium- and long-term aim is to become a strategic element of the Third Mission, through constant monitoring of the wider-reaching and more traditional initiatives, a shared and systematic evaluation of the proposals for new activities, and a collective awareness of the importance of the Third Mission and of the dissemination of research. It is thus a question of establishing the priorities, sharing the aims, defining a co-ordinated strategy and monitoring the results.