Introductory quantum physics

Periodo di svolgimento
Info sul corso
Ore del corso
Ore dei docenti responsabili

Modalità esame

written/oral exam


The course, to be held in English, is for third-year students in Biology, for Nanoscience (Biophysics) graduate students and for master students in Materials and Nanotechnology. Prerequisites are courses in calculus-based university physics.


1. Introduction to quantum mechanics (La Rocca)

Waves and particles. Wave-particle duality and uncertainty principle. Wave function. Schroedinger equation and stationary states. Expectation values. Examples: potential well and harmonic oscillator. Transition probability and selection rules.

2. Atomic physics (La Rocca)

First atomic models and their shortcomings. Hydrogen atom: energy spectrum, angular momentum and eigenfunctions. Electron spin. Pauli exclusion principle. Helium atom, singlet and triplet states. Many-electron atoms, periodic system of elements. Atomic spectroscopy.

3.Molecular physics (La Rocca)

The ionized hydrogen molecule. The hydrogen molecule. Homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. Polyatomic molecules. Molecular vibrations. Molecular Spectroscopy.

4. Complements and practical lessons (Luin)

Review of the physical-mathematical prerequisites for the course.

Selected topics presented as exercises and practical lessons.

Obiettivi formativi

Becoming familiar with the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and learn how to make use of the Schroedinger equation. Using these tools for an elementary microscopic description of the properties of atoms and molecules.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Alonso-Finn: “Fundamental university physics, vol. 3: quantum and statistical physics” 

handouts will be provided