Image for Enrico Trincherini

Enrico Trincherini

Professore Associato

Fisica teorica delle interazioni fondamentali, modelli, metodi matematici e applicazioni (SSD: PHYS-02/A)

050 509198

Palazzo della Carovana , quarto piano, stanza 119

Date of birth: March 25, 1977

Academic degrees
Laurea in Physics (Magna cum Laude), Pisa University, July 2001. Title: Aspects of Grand Unified Theories with Extradimensions. Advisor: Riccardo Rattazzi.

Ph.D. in Physics, Milano-Bicocca University, December 2004. Title: To AdS and back again. Advisors: Riccardo Rattazzi and Alberto Zaffaroni.

Academic career
Oct. 2004- Sep. 2005      Postdoctoral Fellow, Heidelberg University, Germany;
Oct. 2005- Sep.2007      Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, MA USA;
Oct. 2007- Oct. 2009      Postdoctoral Fellow, Scuola Normale Superiore;
Nov. 2009- Dec. 2010      Postdoctoral Fellow, SISSA, Trieste, Italy;
Dec. 2010- present      Assistant professor, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy.

Research Activity

My research activity focuses on theoretical high energy physics, in particular on quantum field theory, physics beyond the Standard Model, gravity and cosmology.