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Qui trovi le informazioni sul concorso di ammissione al corso ordinario, e qui quelle per il concorso PhD 

Concorsi, bandi di gara, selezioni pubbliche 

sono disponibili sul sito dedicato all'amministrazione trasparente 

Per assistenza

puoi scrivere a sitosns@sns.it.


The page that you were looking for is not available

it may have been removed or moved to another place, or else you may have typed the web address incorrectly.

The search engine of the Scuola Normale enables you to find easily the people and subjects within the web site.

Otherwise, you can consult the map of the web site  



Here you can find information about the competitions for admission to the undergraduate course, and here for the PhD competitions.

Competitions, calls and public selections

are available at the web site https://amministrazionetrasparente.sns.it/ 

For assistance

you can write to sitosns@sns.it.