immagine Valle dei Templi Agrigento


Call for applications


The Third Summer School “Archaeology&Architecture” will take place in Agrigento, at the UNESCO archaeological site of the “Valle dei Templi”, from September 23rd to October 4th, 2024. The summer school is organised by SNS, SSSA, ITU and UPM, under the supervision of Gianfranco Adornato (SNS), scientific director of the archaeological excavations at the sanctuary of the Temple D, in close collaboration with the Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi of Agrigento.
This programme includes lectures, lab sessions, on-site teamwork activities, site and museum visits in a stimulating and multidisciplinary learning environment.

All EELISA universities are invited to apply. The deadline for applications is August 5, 2024.