Image for The Direct Parliament: The Impact of Digital Democracy on Political Representation

The Direct Parliament: The Impact of Digital Democracy on Political Representation

9:15 Welcome and opening remarks

Donatella Della Porta, Scuola Normale Superiore, COSMOS
Marco Deseriis, Scuola Normale Superiore, Conference organizer

9:45 Platforms

Emiliana De Blasio (moderator), LUISS School of Government (IT)
Richard Bartlett, Loomio (NZ)
Guido Boella, LiquidFeedback/WeGovNow (IT)
Simona Levi, X-Net (IT)

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Parties

Cecilia Biancalana (moderator), Università di Torino (IT)
Martin Haase, German Pirate Party (DE)
Sergio Arroyo, Podemos Participation Team, Participa (ES)
Moreno YaguE, Podemos Andalusia, Democracia 4.0 (ES)

13:00 Lunch break

14:15 The Platform Party

Davide Casaleggio and Enrica Sabatini, Rousseau and Five Star Movement (IT)

Discussant: Lorenzo Mosca, Scuola Normale Superiore (IT)

15:30 Representation

Marco Deseriis, Scuola Normale Superiore (IT)
Francisco Jurado, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (ES)
Michele Sorice, LUISS School of Government (IT)

17:00 Tea break

17:15 Keynote speech

Nadia Urbinati, Columbia University (USA)

18:15 Closing Remarks and Debate

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