Multiplicity of solutions to the multiphasic Allen–Cahn–Hilliard system with a small volume constraint on closed parallelizable manifolds


  • Stefano Nardulli
    CMCC-UFABC, São Paulo, Brasil

Prof. Stefano Nardulli (CMCC-UFABC, São Paulo, Brasil)
Multiplicity of solutions to the multiphasic Allen–Cahn–Hilliard system with a small volume constraint on closed parallelizable manifolds

We prove the existence of multiple solutions to the Allen–Cahn–Hilliard (ACH) vectorial equation (with two equations) involving a triple-well (triphasic) potential with a small volume constraint on a closed parallelizable Riemannian manifold. More precisely, we find a lower bound for the number of solutions depending on some topological invariants of the underlying manifold. The phase transition potential is considered to have a finite set of global minima, where it also vanishes, and a subcritical growth at infinity. Our strategy is to employ the Lusternik–Schnirelmann and infinite-dimensional Morse theories for the vectorial energy functional. To this end, we exploit that the associated ACH energy Γ-converges to the weighted multi-perimeter for clusters, which combined with some deep theorems from isoperimetric theory yields the suitable setup to apply the photography method. Along the way, the lack of a closed analytic expression for the multi-isoperimetric function for clusters imposes a delicate issue. Furthermore, using a transversality theorem, we also show the genericity of the set of metrics for which solutions to the ACH system are nondegenerate. This a joint work with J.H. Andrade, J. Conrado, P. Piccione, and Reinaldo Resend Oliveira.