Image for Complex Analysis and Geometry in Pisa

Complex Analysis and Geometry in Pisa

Several complex variables have been at the core of various research problems, both in analysis and in geometry. Just to mention a few, one can think of the study of compact complex surfaces, Kaehler geometry or holomorphic functions' dynamics, all fully devloped and interesting fields of research. Moreover, there are thematics less famous or independent, which are nevertheless a rich source of interesting problems and of interaction with other area of mathematics, ranging from algebra to PDE theory, as CR analysis and geometry, the study of pseudoconvex domains in C^n, Stein varieties, complex manifolds and varieties and in general theory of Levi-flat submanifolds.

This meeting is an attempt to give a survey of more and less recent research activities in these areas between analysis and geometry, with the presence of speakers which are active in the field of several complex variables as well as speakers more active in other areas of mathematics, but whose works often touched "complex" themes.


The following speakers have been confirmed:

Vincenzo Ancona (Firenze)
Fabrizio Broglia (Pisa)
Giovanna Citti (Bologna)
Giuseppe Della Sala (American University in Beirut)
Sorin Dragomir (Potenza)
Antonella Nannicini (Firenze)
Nikolai Shcherbina (Bergische Universitat Wuppertal)
Zbigniew Slodkowski (U. of Illinois, Chicago)
Viorel Vajaitu (Lille 1)
Dmitri Zaitsev (Trinity College Dublin)

Scientific organizers

Samuele Mongodi (Politecnico di Milano)
Alberto Saracco (Parma)


This meeting is supported by the “National Group for Algebraic and Geometric Structures, and their Applications” (GNSAGA – INDAM), SIR2014 AnHyC and PRIN "varietà reali e complesse: geometria, topologia e analisi armonica" “Fondi Prof. Filippo Bracci - Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, "Fondi Dott. Samuele Mongodi - Dipartimento di Matematico Politecnico di Milano", "Fondi Prof. Alberto Saracco -  Dipartimento di Scienze, Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche Università di Parma". 


The conference will take place in the Sala degli Stemmi, at the third floor of the Palazzo della Carovana - Scuola Normale Superiore.

Friday, 5th october

Registration & Coffee Break

10:30-11:30 S. Dragomir, Cauchy-Riemann geometry and subelliptic theory11:30-12:30 D. Zaitsev, Invariant ideal and submodule sheaves on real hypersurfaces


14:00-15:00 G. Della Sala, The Borel property in certain algebras of functions15:00-16:00 F. Broglia, Analytic setting from C to R

Coffee Break

16:30-17:30 V. Ancona, Modifications of complex spaces: the contribution of Pino Tomassini17:30-18:00  TBA

**Social Dinner at Ristoro Redipuglia**

Saturday, 6th october

9:00-10:00 G. Citti, Uniqueness of mean curvature flow in a contact manifold with subriemannian metric

Coffee Break

10:30-11:30 A. Nannicini, Norden structures on cotangent bundles via generalized geometry11:30-12:30 Z. Slodkowski, Pseudoconcave decompositions in complex manifolds


14:00-15:00 V. Vajaitu, Pseudoconvex spaces15:00-16:00 N. Shcherbina, On totally disconnected sets with nontrivial polynomial hull that has no analytic structure