Algebraic integrals and transcendence
Colloquio De Giorgi
Mercoledì 17 Aprile 2024
Mercoledì 17 Aprile 2024
Aula Dini, Palazzo del Castelletto, via del Castelletto, Pisa
David Masser
Universität Basel
David Masser - Universität Basel
Algebraic integrals and transcendence
We know much about the transcendence of algebraic integrals like
Here the first arises from the area of a lemniscate considered by Count Fagnano, who in fact was more interested in the arc length (which we shall also consider). But how does one actually determine whether given integrals like the above are transcendental or not? In this talk I review some of what was known, and I also sketch an effective (and reasonably practical) method for integrals such as these.
No previous knowledge will be assumed.
The event will take place in person.